TESOL and World Language Education - Masters
Class of 2015

Total Graduates: 17
Number of Responses: 13
Knowledge/Response Rate: 76
Post Graduation Status Respondents Percentage
Employed Full-Time 8 62%
Self-Employed 0 0%
Attending Graduate School 3 23%
Internships 0 0%
Employed Part-Time 1 8%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 1 8%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Bao Cheng Education Group Barrow County School District
Lifespan Montessori of Athens Mandarin Institute
Mollertech South Peoria Notre Dame High School
The University of North Georgia
* denotes none reported.

Job Titles
Adjunct Instructor Employee Development Coordinator
Research Assistant Spanish Teacher
* denotes none reported.

Graduate Schools
The University of Georgia
* denotes none reported.