Agricultural Engineering - Bachelors
Class of 2016

Total Degrees Awarded: 35
Number of Responses: 31
Knowledge/Response Rate: 89%
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 24 77%
Self-Employed 1 3%
Attending Graduate School 2 6%
Internships 1 3%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 3 10%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
16 75000 40000 60000 5000
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Allison Smith Company LLC Batson-Cook Construction
Birdsong Peanuts Bulldawg iPhone Repair
Capital City Electrical Services, Inc. Caterpillar Inc.
Deloitte General Electric
Georgia Power Company Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration Ibis International, Inc.
Kubota Manufacturing of America Corporation Manhattan Associates
Novelis, Inc. PepsiCo
Planters Electric Membership Corporation Sealed Air Corporation
Siemens Healthineers SteelFab, Inc.
Textron The Peace Corps
Wing Haven Gardens and Bird Sanctuary
* denotes none reported.

Job Titles
Application Engineer Business Intelligence Data Analyst
Business Technology Analyst Chief Administrative Officer
Customer Support Distribution Engineer
Documentational Specialist Engineer
Environment/Agroforestry Agent Estimator
Garden Curator HVAC Project Manager
Junior Electrical Engineer Materials Process Engineer
Mechanical Engineer Research and DevelopmentEngineer
Software Consultant Supply Chain Manager
Technical Engineer VAVE Group Design Engineer
* denotes none reported.

Graduate Schools
The University of Georgia
* denotes none reported.