Mathematics - Bachelors
Class of 2016

Total Degrees Awarded: 63
Number of Responses: 52
Knowledge/Response Rate: 83%
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 25 48%
Self-Employed 1 2%
Attending Graduate School 15 29%
Internships 2 4%
Employed Part-Time 2 4%
Not Seeking 2 4%
Seeking 5 10%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
15 85000 40000 63000 5000
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Accuen Aon plc
Aurora Investment Counsel CDI Corporation
Center for Advanced Hindsight CGI
Cigna-HealthSpring Citigroup Inc.
Fulton County Schools Gwinnett County Public Schools
Mastercard Incorporated McKinsey Consulturing
Mercer Omega Learning Center
PricewaterhouseCoopers State Farm
SunTrust Banks, Inc. Synovus Financial Corporation
Telephonics System Engineering Group - SEG The United Services Automobile Association
United States Navy Westminster Christian Academy
* denotes none reported.

Job Titles
Actuarial Associate Actuarial Senior Analyst
Analyst Business Analyst
Consultant Credit Analyst
Data Analyst Defined Benefits Delivery Specialist
IT Analyst Investment Banking Analyst
Math Teacher Mathematics Teacher
Mathematics Tutor Middle School Soccer Coach
Nuclear Engineer Programmatic Planning and Optimization Analyst
RF Engineer Research Associate
Retirement Actuarial Analyst Sales & Trading Analyst
Software Developer
* denotes none reported.

Graduate Schools
Eastern Michigan University Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia State University-Perimeter College New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Rutgers University The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The University of California, Los Angeles The University of Georgia
The University of L’Aquila The University of West Georgia
* denotes none reported.