Public Relations - Bachelors
Class of 2017

Total Degrees Awarded: 153
Number of Responses: 147
Knowledge/Response Rate: 96%
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 80 54%
Self-Employed 5 3%
Attending Graduate School 21 14%
Internships 35 24%
Employed Part-Time 2 1%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 4 3%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
36 78,000 15 32,500 3,500
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Graduate Schools
American University Dallas Theological Seminary
The University of Georgia The University of Texas at Austin
The University of Virginia

* second major column represents/identifies those students who possess a double major.