Food Science - Masters
Class of 2016

Total Degrees Awarded: 22
Number of Responses: 21
Knowledge/Response Rate: 95%
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 14 67%
Self-Employed 0 0%
Attending Graduate School 4 19%
Internships 1 5%
Employed Part-Time 1 5%
Not Seeking 1 5%
Seeking 0 0%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
5 65000 24000 55000 *
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Anheuser-Busch InBev Astrix Technology Group
Bon Appetit Management Company Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Charm Sciences, Inc. GNT Group
Olam SVI - Spices and Vegetable Ingredients Sealed Air Corporation
Team Foods Colombia S.A. The Coca-Cola Company
The University of Georgia Three Taverns Craft Brewery
Zhengzhou Chongyang Trading Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Asia Pacific Hospital
* denotes none reported.

Job Titles
Associate Manager County Extension Agent
Dietetic Technician Fellow
Group Manager in Brewing Quality Assurance Management Trainee
Quality Manager RND Scientist
Registration Specialist Research and Development Research Assistant
Research and Development Technician Senior Researcher
Technical Sales
* denotes none reported.

Graduate Schools
The University of Connecticut The University of Georgia
The University of Maryland - College Park The University of Massachusetts Amherst
* denotes none reported.