Biochem and Molecular Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2019

Total Degrees Awarded: 81
Number of Responses: 62
Knowledge/Response Rate: 77%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 24 39%
Continuing Education 31 50%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 3 5%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 1 2%
Seeking 3 5%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
9 71,000 12,000 30,000 8 0
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
Advanced Medical Services Inc Medical Sales Representative
AmeriCorps Social Media Coordinator, Notre Dame Mission Volunteers
Boehringer Ingelheim Scientist
CVS Pharmacy Technician
EGL Genetics Clinical Genetics Technologist I
KPMG Advisory Cybersecurity Associate
Momar, Inc. Research And Development Chemist
National Institutes of Health Postbaccalaureate Research Fellow
Peachtree Orthopedics Intern
Pfizer Associate Scientist
PruittHealth Clincial Social Work Intern
Publix Cashier
Resurgens Orthopaedics Medical Assistant
Ron Jons Lab Technician
RWDC Biotechnician
ScribeAmerica Medical Scribe
SuperScribe Medical Scribe
Teach For America Teach For America Corps Member
The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center Details Lead
Triage Consulting Group Associate Consultant
U.S. Air Force Pilot Select
University of Georgia Genetics Department Lab Technician 1, Lab Technician - Department of Biochemistry, Laboratory Technician, Research Technician
* denotes no responses received.

Graduate Schools and Programs

Graduate School Program(s)
Augusta University Dental Medicine, DMD; Medicine, MD; Nursing (Clinical Nurse Leader), MSN-CNL; Physician Assistant, MPA
Brown University Medicine, MD
Case Western Reserve University Medicine, MD
Emory University Anesthesia, MMSc
Georgetown University Biotechnology, MS
Georgia State University Neuroscience, PhD
MedCare Health Cert Medical Assistant, Certificate
Meharry Medical College Medicine, MD
Mercer University Biomedical Sciences, MS; Medicine, MD; Physician Assistant, MMSc; Preclinical Sciences, MSPCS
Morehouse College Medicine, MD
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) Osteopathic Medicine, DO
St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences, PhD
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Optometry, OD
University of Bonn Medical Immunosciences and Infection, MS
University of Georgia Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Medical Scientist Training Program), DVM/PhD
University of Pennsylvania Cellular and Molecular Biology, PhD
University of Utah Medicine, MD/PhD
* denotes no responses received.

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*All UGA graduates, within 6 months of graduation, are eligible to participate.