Health Promotion - Bachelors
Class of 2017

Total Degrees Awarded: 128
Number of Responses: 123
Knowledge/Response Rate: 96%
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 45 37%
Self-Employed 0 0%
Attending Graduate School 54 44%
Internships 17 14%
Employed Part-Time 1 1%
Not Seeking 4 3%
Seeking 2 2%

Salary Summary
Number Reporting Salary High Low Median Bonus Median
13 60,000 17,500 33,280 12,000
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Graduate Schools
Augusta University Boston University
Denver College of Nursing Durham Technical Community College
Eastern Illinois University Emory University
Georgia State University High Point University
Mercer University Morehouse School of Medicine
Oakland University Piedmont College
The Medical University of South Carolina The University of Alabama at Birmingham
The University of Florida The University of Georgia
The University of Miami The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
The University of South Carolina The University of South Florida
The University of West Georgia Vanderbilt University

* second major column represents/identifies those students who possess a double major.