Health Promotion - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2019

Total Degrees Awarded: 110
Number of Responses: 100
Knowledge/Response Rate: 91%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 40 40%
Continuing Education 43 43%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 14 14%
Employed Part-Time 1 1%
Not Seeking 1 1%
Seeking 1 1%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
9 57,000 23,000 40,000 7 1,000
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
American Family Care Medical Assistant
Anthem, Inc. Project Administrator
Arbor Pharmaceuticals Sales Operations
Athens Neighborhood Health Center Intern
Athens Retina Center Ophthalmic Technician
Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition Community Outreach Intern
Bafrow Women's Clinic Intern
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DNPAO ORISE Fellow, Health Communications ORISE Fellow, Intern, ORISE Fellow
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Registration Associate
Chugh Legal Assistant
Clinical Research Research Associate
Dermatology Affiliates Medical Assistant
Emory Healthcare Medical Assistant, Patient Services Coordinator
Epic Software Tester
GI Care for Kids Medical Assistant
GoPivot Client Relations Coordinator
Greater New York Hospital Association Project Manager
Hanger Clinic Clinical Care Extender
Hearts & Hands Clinic Inc Intern
Jackson & Coker Anesthesia & Radiology Consultant
Laura and John Arnold Foundation Health Care Analyst
Leadership Development Program Intern Licensing Coordinator
Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Intern
North Atlanta Dermatology Certified Medical Assistant
Northside Hospital Atlanta Physician Practice Project Analyst
Northwest Georgia Department of Public Health Health Educator
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Program Assistant
Peace Corps Public Health Educator
Peachford Hospital Mental Health Assistant
Resurgens Orthopaedics Certified Medical Assistant
Spiralyze Market Research Analyst
St. Mary's Hospital Physical/Occupational Therapy and NICU Intern
Summit Surgery Center Of Buckhead Medical Scribe
The Campus Kitchens Project UGA Communications and Recruitment Intern
The Walker Group Administrative Assistant
Triage Consulting Group Associate, Associate Consultant
U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant - Chemical Corps
University of Georgia Wesley Foundation Intern
WellStar Health System Certified Medical Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant
YMCA of Metro Atlanta Community Program Coordinator
* denotes no responses received.

Graduate Schools and Programs

Graduate School Program(s)
Augusta University Dental Medicine, DMD; Nursing, ABSN; Nursing, Not Specified; Nursing (Clinical Nurse Leader), MSN-CNL; Occupational Therapy, MHSOT; Physician Assistant, MPA
Austin Community College Pre-Health Sciences, BS
Emory University Global Epidemiology, MPH; Nursing, ABSN/MSN
Georgia Gwinnett College Not Specified
Georgia State University Healthcare Administration, MHA; Public Health, MPH
Georgia State University- Perimeter College Business Administration, Degree Not Specified
Jacksonville University Occupational Therapy, OTD
Johns Hopkins University Health Administration, MHA
Kennesaw State University Biology, Degree Not Specified
Medical University of South Carolina Occupational Therapy, Not Specified; Occupational Therapy, OTD
Mercer University Medicine, MD; Nursing, Not Specified; Pharmacy, PharmD; Physician Assistant, MMSc
Not Specified Physician Assistant
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Business Administration, MBA
Tufts University Dental Medicine, DMD
University of Georgia Business Analytics, MSBA; Epidemiology, MPH; Gerontology, MPH; Health Administration, MHA; Health Adminstration, MHA; Health Promotion and Behavior, MPH; Health Promotion and Behavior, PhD; Public Health, MPH
University of South Carolina Exercise Science, MS
University of South Florida Health Promotion and Behavior, MPH; Public Health, Not Specified
University of Tennessee Health Science Center Nursing
Virginia Commonwealth University Medicine, MD
* denotes no responses received.

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*All UGA graduates, within 6 months of graduation, are eligible to participate.