College of Pharmacy
Class of 2017

Total Degrees Awarded: 162
Number of Responses: 150
Knowledge/Response Rate: 93%
For detailed post-graduation information on the Class of 2017 majors within the College of Pharmacy, please click here.
Post Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 128 85%
Self-Employed 2 1%
Attending Graduate School 12 8%
Internships 4 3%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 1 1%
Seeking 3 2%

Salary Summary

The following salary data is provided by the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy

Position Type Average Salay Range
Chain $113,606 $84,000 - $130,000
Independent $114,667 $85,000 - $145,000
Hospital and Other $104,800 $100,000 - $107,000
Residency/Fellowship $45,562 $40,000 - $54,000

For detailed information on the majors within the
College of Pharmacy, click the button below