Landscape Architecture - Bachelors Degree
Class of 2023

Degree offered through the College of Environment and Design

Total Degrees Awarded: 40
Number of Responses: 30
Knowledge / Response Rate: 75%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 25 83%
Continuing Education 4 13%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 1 3%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 0 0%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
8 70,000 49,000 59,000 2 *
* denotes less than 4 responses received

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
American Society of Landscape Architects Climate Action Committee Member
Atkins Landscape Architect I
B,C Studio Landscape Designer
Barge Design Solutions Landscape Architecture Associate
Bellwether Landscape Architects Design Associate
Bonnett Design Group, LLC Associate Landscape Designer
BYLA Landscape Architecture Landscape Designer
City of Plano Landscape Architect
Daigh Rick Landscape Architects Landscape Designer
DSLD Land Management Company Landscape Designer
EDSA, Inc. Designer
Fischer Homes Field Manager
HGOR Landscape Designer
Hollander Design Landscape Architects Landscape Designer
Kaizen Analytix Landscape Architect
Norris Design Landscape Designer
Out Teach Landscape Architect
Red Rocks Church Outreach Intern
Self-Employed Owner
Sugar Hill Outdoors Project Manager
Urquhart & Hunt Graduate Landscape Architect
Witmer Jones Keefer, Ltd Landscape Designer
WLA Studio Staff Landscape Designer
* If no employers/position titles are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2023 graduates in this major.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

Graduate/Professional School Program(s)
Arizona State University Urban and Environmental Planning, MS
University of Georgia Urban Planning and Design, Degree Not Specified; Urban Planning and Design, Master's
* If no continuing education schools/programs are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2023 graduates in this major.