Biological Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2021

(Degree offered through the College of Engineering)

Total Degrees Awarded: 48
Number of Responses: 38
Knowledge/Response Rate: 79%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 14 37%
Continuing Education 20 53%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 0 0%
Employed Part-Time 1 3%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 3 8%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
4 69,000 30,000 49,000 0 *
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
ADInstruments Inside Sales Engineer
Ken's Foods Quality Assurance Tech
Kimberly-Clark Corporation Process Engineer
Kimley-Horn Autocad Drafter
Microcopy Dental Quality Engineer
Olympic Steel Process Engineer
Procter & Gamble Personal Care R&D Scientist
Resilient Power Mechanical Engineer
RWDC Industries Bioprocess Technician
ThreeBridge Data Analyst
University of Georgia Research Technician - Turfgras
* If no Employers/Position Titles are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2021 graduates in this major.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

School Program(s)
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine - Carolinas Campus Osteopathic Medicine, DO
Kennesaw State University Not Specified
Medical Sales Institute Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Reconstruction & Trauma, Certificate
Montana State University Plant Sciences, MS
Morehouse School of Medicine Biotechnology, MSBT
Texas A&M University Law, JD
University of Colorado Boulder Biological Engineering, PhD
University of Florida Biomedical Engineering, PhD
University of Georgia Bioinformatics, PhD; Biological Engineering, MS; Biomedical Engineering, PhD; Business Administration, MBA; Mechanical Engineering, MS; STEM Business Administration, MBA
Vanderbilt University Biomedical Engineering, MS
Virginia Commonwealth University Dental Medicine, DDS
* If no Continuing Education Schools/Programs are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2021 graduates in this major.