Computer Science - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2021

(Degree offered through the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences)

Total Degrees Awarded: 254
Number of Responses: 176
Knowledge/Response Rate: 69%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 136 77%
Continuing Education 12 7%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 4 2%
Employed Part-Time 8 5%
Not Seeking 3 2%
Seeking 13 7%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
55 116,000 57,000 78,000 35 6,000
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
4M Research Software Engineer & Analyst
678 Korean BBQ Waiter/Server
Accenture Applications Development Analyst
ADP Associate Application Developer
ADVA Optical Networking Software Engineer
AGCO Corporation IT Analyst
Alvaria, Inc. Associate Software Engineer
Amazon Software Development Engineer; Software Development Engineer 1
American Express Software Engineer
Applied Software Junior Developer
AT&T, Inc. Software Engineer; TDP Software Developer; Technology Development Program
Athem, Inc. Service Designer
Avamad Software Developer
Bain & Company Associate Consultant
BlackRock Analyst
BNY Mellon Not Specified
Capgemini Consultant; Junior Cloud Engineer; Programmer/Developer; Technical Consultant
Capital One Security Engineer
CEDAR CX Technologies JAVA Developer
CGI Consultant
Chick-fil-A Software Engineer II
CirrusLabs Intern
Cisco Software Engineer
Cox Communications Network Engineer
Daugherty Business Solutions Associate Consultant; Software Engineer Consultant
Deloitte Application and Program Analyst; Business Technology Analyst
Department of Defense Computer Scientist; Software Engineer
Epic Systems Corporation Software Developer
Equifax Software Developer
EY Cybersecurity Consultant; Technology Consultant
Fast Enterprises, LLC Implementation Consultant
FIS Global Software Engineer
Fiserv, Inc. Application Developer
Freddie Mac Technical Analyst
General Electric Product Manager
General Motors Entry Level Software Developer; Information Security Specialist; Software Developer; Software Engineer; Software Test Engineer
Georgia Tech Research Institute Research Scientist I
Google Cloud Technical Residency; Software Engineer
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind Puppy Raiser
IBM Software Developer
Infor Associate Software Engineer
Infosys Associate Software Engineer
Integrated Analytic Solutions Junior Systems Integrator
Itineris Technical Analyst
KPMG Associate Advisor - AI Analytics and Engineering
Lockheed Martin Corporation Skunk Works Operations Analyst Associate
Macy's Software Engineer
Manhattan Associates Cloud Systems Engineering; Software Analyst; Software Engineer; Support Analyst
Microsoft Software Engineer
Mueller Water Products Software Engineer
NCR Corporation Application Security Engineer; Software Developer; Software Engineer; Software Engineer I
Nike Software Engineer
Northcraft Analytics Data Analyst Intern
NSI-MI Software Engineer
Optomi Professional Services Associate Recruiter
Oracle Solutions Engineer
Perficient Associate Technical Consultant
PNC Bank Associate Software Developer
PredaSAR Corporation UI/UX Engineer
Proficient Consultant
Protiviti Technology Consultant
Raytheon Technologies Software Engineer
REEF Technology Application Support Specialist
Robins Air Force Base Computer Scientist; Cyber Security Specialist; Software Engineer
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Entry Level Computer Engineer-Programmer
Savannah River Site Process Control Engineer
SAWTST, LLC Cyber Security Analyst
Seagate Technology Software Engineer Intern
Talent Path Full Stack Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services Software Engineer
Temple University Software Engineer
The Circle Group IT Support
The Home Depot Software Engineer; Systems Engineer
United States Air Force Computer Scientist
United States Department of Defense Computer Scientist
University of Georgia Advisor
* If no Employers/Position Titles are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2021 graduates in this major.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

School Program(s)
Georgia Institute of Technology Cybersecurity, MS; Medicine, MD; Quantitative and Computational Finance, MS
Stanford University Earth Sciences, PhD
University of Georgia Artificial Intelligence, MS; Business Administration, MBA; Computer Science, MS
University of Washington Computational Linguistics, MS
* If no Continuing Education Schools/Programs are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2021 graduates in this major.