Biochem and Molecular Biology - Doctoral
Class of 2022

Degree offered through the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Total Degrees Awarded: 15
Number of Responses: 10
Knowledge/Response Rate: 67%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 2 20%
Continuing Education 2 20%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 6 60%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 0 0%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
0 * * * 0 *
* denotes less than 4 responses received

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Postdoctoral Fellow
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention LLS Fellow
Georgia Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Postdoctoral Scholar
Medpace Medical Writer
Sanofi Pasteur Postdoctoral Fellow
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Maryland Postdoctoral Associate
* If no employers/position titles are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2022 graduates in this major.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

School Program(s)
Augusta University Medicine, MD
University of Georgia Veterinary Medicine, DVM
* If no continuing education schools/programs are displayed, then none were reported for Class of 2022 graduates in this major.