Consumer Economics - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2020

Total Degrees Awarded: 63
Number of Responses: 42
Knowledge/Response Rate: 67%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 30 71%
Continuing Education 6 14%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 1 2%
Employed Part-Time 0 0%
Not Seeking 0 0%
Seeking 5 12%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
6 65,000 35,260 50,250 4 1,100
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
Archbold Medical Hospital Nurse and Professional Recruiter
Arrive Logistics Carrier Sales Representative
Arrow Electronics Field Sales Representative
Bank OZK Client Service Specialist
Buckeye International Field Sales Representative
Capital City Home Loans, LLC Loan Specialist
Capstone Financial, LLC Financial Services Representative
Credential Financial Advisor
Ctit HR Analyst
Elwood & Goetz Wealth Advisory Associate Financial Planner
Expeditors International of Washington Custom Broker's Agent
EY Business Analyst
Fisher Investments Client Service Associate
GateKeyper Account Executive
Georgia Military College Enrollment Officer
Homrich Berg Associate Financial Planner
Integrity Marketing Group LLC Contract Specialist
Lockton Companies Benefits Analyst
Mutty Paws General Manager
N3 Business Development Representative
OneTrust Consultant
Planet Fitness Front Desk Attendant
RBC Global Asset Management RFP Writer/Data Analyst
Restaurant Equipment Market Purchasing Assistant
Sappelo Hammock Golf Club Assistant Golf Professional
Shane Smith Law Paralegal
Southern Country Charters Captain
Spark Foundry Associate Strategy & Media Planning
Starship Personal Assistant
Starship Personal Assistant
State Farm Sales Manager
* denotes no responses received.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

Graduate School Program(s)
Athens Technical College Not Specified
Southern Methodist University Liberal Studies, MLS
University of Georgia Consumer Science, MS
University of Georgia Applied Consumer Analytics, MS
University of Georgia Business Analytics, MS
University of Georgia Applied Consumer Analytics, MS
University of Pittsburgh Business/Health Care Administration, MBA/MHA
* denotes no responses received.

To contribute to these reports and be entered in the drawing to win $500 in prizes, please click the "Complete the Career Outcomes Survey" button

All UGA graduates, within 6 months of graduation, are eligible to participate.