2020 UGA Summary
2020 Results by College
2020 Results by Major
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Class of 2020 Career Outcomes
Class of 2020 Career Outcomes Data for UGA Majors (listed alphabetically)
Select a major from the options below to display its Class of 2020 Career Outcomes data.
Accounting - Bachelor's Degree
Accounting - Master's Degree
Advertising - Bachelor's Degree
African American Studies - Bachelor's Degree
Agribusiness - Bachelor's Degree
Agribusiness - Master's Degree
Agricultural & Environ Educ - Master's Degree
Agricultural and Applied Econ - Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural and Applied Econ - Doctoral Degree
Agricultural and Applied Econ - Master's Degree
Agricultural Communication - Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural Education - Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural Engineering - Master's Degree
Agriscience and Environ Sys - Bachelor's Degree
Animal and Dairy Science - Doctoral Degree
Animal and Dairy Science - Master's Degree
Animal Health - Bachelor's Degree
Animal Science - Bachelor's Degree
Anthropology - Bachelor's Degree
Anthropology - Doctoral Degree
Applied Behavior Analysis - Master's Degree
Applied Biotechnology - Bachelor's Degree
Arabic - Bachelor's Degree
Art - Bachelor's Degree
Art - Master's Degree
Art Education - Bachelor's Degree
Art Education - Master's Degree
Art History - Bachelor's Degree
Art History - Master's Degree
Art: Interdiscip Art & Design - Bachelor's Degree
Artificial Intelligence - Master's Degree
Asian Languages and Literature - Bachelor's Degree
Astrophysics - Bachelor's Degree
Athletic Training - Bachelor's Degree
Atmospheric Sciences - Bachelor's Degree
Avian Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Avian Health and Medicine - Master's Degree
Avian Medicine - Master's Degree
Biochem and Molecular Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Biochem and Molecular Biology - Doctoral Degree
Biochem and Molecular Biology - Master's Degree
Biochemical Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Biochemical Engineering - Master's Degree
Bioinformatics - Doctoral Degree
Bioinformatics - Master's Degree
Biological and Ag Engineering - Doctoral Degree
Biological Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Biological Engineering - Master's Degree
Biological Science - Bachelor's Degree
Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Biomanufact and Bioprocess (Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute) - Master's Degree
Biomanufact and Bioprocess (College of Engineering) - Master's Degree
Biostatistics - Master's Degree
Business Administration - Doctoral Degree
Business Administration - Master's Degree
Business Analytics - Master's Degree
Business and Technology - Master's Degree
Cellular Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Cellular Biology - Doctoral Degree
Cellular Biology - Master's Degree
Chemistry - Bachelor's Degree
Chemistry - Doctoral Degree
Chemistry - Master's Degree
Child Life - Master's Degree
Civil & Environmental Engr - Master's Degree
Civil Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Classical Languages - Bachelor's Degree
Classical Languages - Master's Degree
Classics - Bachelor's Degree
Cognitive Science - Bachelor's Degree
College Student Affairs Admin - Master's Degree
Communication Sci and Disorder - Bachelor's Degree
Communication Sci and Disorder - Doctoral Degree
Communication Sci and Disorder - Master's Degree
Communication Studies - Bachelor's Degree
Communication Studies - Doctoral Degree
Communication Studies - Master's Degree
Comp Lit & Intercultural Stud - Bachelor's Degree
Comp Lit & Intercultural Stud - Doctoral Degree
Comparative Biomedical Science - Doctoral Degree
Comparative Biomedical Science - Master's Degree
Comparative Literature - Bachelor's Degree
Comparative Literature - Doctoral Degree
Comparative Literature - Master's Degree
Computer Science - Bachelor's Degree
Computer Science - Doctoral Degree
Computer Science - Master's Degree
Computer Systems Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Conserv Ecol and Sust Develop - Master's Degree
Consumer Economics - Bachelor's Degree
Consumer Journalism - Bachelor's Degree
Counsel and Std Personnel Serv - Doctoral Degree
Counseling Psychology - Doctoral Degree
Criminal Justice - Bachelor's Degree
Crop and Soil Sciences - Doctoral Degree
Crop and Soil Sciences - Master's Degree
Culinary Science & Nutrition - Bachelor's Degree
Dairy Science - Bachelor's Degree
Dance - Bachelor's Degree
Dietetics - Bachelor's Degree
Early Childhood Education - Bachelor's Degree
Early Childhood Education - Master's Degree
Ecology - Bachelor's Degree
Ecology - Doctoral Degree
Ecology - Master's Degree
Economics - Bachelor's Degree
Economics - Doctoral Degree
Economics - Master's Degree
Education - Doctoral Degree
Education - Master's Degree
Educational Admin and Policy - Doctoral Degree
Educational Admin and Policy - Master's Degree
Educational Leadership - Doctoral Degree
Educational Psychology - Doctoral Degree
Educational Psychology - Master's Degree
Educational Theory and Prac - Doctoral Degree
Electrical and Electronics Eng - Bachelor's Degree
Engineering - Doctoral Degree
Engineering - Master's Degree
English - Bachelor's Degree
English - Doctoral Degree
English - Master's Degree
English Education - Bachelor's Degree
English Education - Master's Degree
Entertainment & Media Studies - Bachelor's Degree
Entomology - Bachelor's Degree
Entomology - Doctoral Degree
Entomology - Master's Degree
Environmental Chemistry - Bachelor's Degree
Environmental Econ and Mgmt - Bachelor's Degree
Environmental Economics - Master's Degree
Environmental Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Environmental Health - Bachelor's Degree
Environmental Health - Master's Degree
Environmental Health Science - Doctoral Degree
Environmental Plan and Design - Master's Degree
Environmental Resource Sci - Bachelor's Degree
Epidemiology - Doctoral Degree
Epidemiology & Biostatistics - Doctoral Degree
Exercise and Sport Science - Bachelor's Degree
Family and Consumer Sci Educ - Bachelor's Degree
Fashion Merchandising - Bachelor's Degree
Film Studies - Bachelor's Degree
Finan Plan Hous and Cons Econ - Doctoral Degree
Finan Plan Hous and Cons Econ - Master's Degree
Finance - Bachelor's Degree
Financial Planning - Bachelor's Degree
Fisheries and Wildlife - Bachelor's Degree
Food Animal Medicine - Master's Degree
Food Industry Marketing Admin - Bachelor's Degree
Food Science - Bachelor's Degree
Food Science - Doctoral Degree
Food Science - Master's Degree
Food Technology - Master's Degree
Foods and Nutrition - Doctoral Degree
Foods and Nutrition - Master's Degree
Forest Resources - Master's Degree
Forestry - Bachelor's Degree
Forestry and Natural Resources - Doctoral Degree
Forestry and Natural Resources - Master's Degree
French - Bachelor's Degree
Furnishings and Interiors - Bachelor's Degree
General Business - Bachelor's Degree
Genetics - Bachelor's Degree
Genetics - Doctoral Degree
Genetics - Master's Degree
Geography - Bachelor's Degree
Geography - Doctoral Degree
Geography - Master's Degree
Geology - Bachelor's Degree
Geology - Doctoral Degree
Geology - Master's Degree
German - Bachelor's Degree
German - Master's Degree
Health Administration - Master's Degree
Health and Physical Education - Bachelor's Degree
Health Promotion - Bachelor's Degree
Health Promotion and Behavior - Doctoral Degree
Higher Education - Doctoral Degree
Higher Education - Master's Degree
Historic Preservation - Master's Degree
History - Bachelor's Degree
History - Doctoral Degree
History - Master's Degree
Horticulture - Bachelor's Degree
Horticulture - Doctoral Degree
Horticulture - Master's Degree
Housing Management & Policy - Bachelor's Degree
Human Development and Fam Sci - Bachelor's Degree
Human Development and Fam Sci - Doctoral Degree
Industrial Organizational Psyc - Master's Degree
Infectious Diseases - Doctoral Degree
Integrative Conserv and Anthro - Doctoral Degree
Integrative Conserv and Ecol - Doctoral Degree
Integrative Conserv and Geog - Doctoral Degree
Interdisciplinary Studies - Bachelor's Degree
International Affairs - Bachelor's Degree
International Business - Bachelor's Degree
International Policy - Master's Degree
Japanese Lang and Lit - Bachelor's Degree
Journalism - Bachelor's Degree
Journalism and Mass Comm - Master's Degree
Kinesiology - Doctoral Degree
Kinesiology - Master's Degree
Landscape Architecture - Bachelor's Degree
Landscape Architecture - Master's Degree
Lang and Literacy Education - Doctoral Degree
Latin American and Carib Stud - Bachelor's Degree
Learn Leader & Organiz Develop - Doctoral Degree
Learn Leader & Organiz Develop - Master's Degree
Learning Design and Technology - Doctoral Degree
Learning Design and Technology - Master's Degree
Linguistics - Bachelor's Degree
Linguistics - Doctoral Degree
Management - Bachelor's Degree
Management Information Systems - Bachelor's Degree
Marine Sciences - Doctoral Degree
Marine Sciences - Master's Degree
Marketing - Bachelor's Degree
Marketing Research - Master's Degree
Mass Communication - Doctoral Degree
Mathematics - Bachelor's Degree
Mathematics - Doctoral Degree
Mathematics - Master's Degree
Mathematics Education - Bachelor's Degree
Mathematics Education - Doctoral Degree
Mathematics Education - Master's Degree
Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor's Degree
Microbiology - Bachelor's Degree
Microbiology - Doctoral Degree
Microbiology - Master's Degree
Middle Grades Education - Bachelor's Degree
Middle Grades Education - Master's Degree
Middle School Education - Master's Degree
Music - Bachelor's Degree
Music - Doctoral Degree
Music - Master's Degree
Music Composition - Bachelor's Degree
Music Education - Bachelor's Degree
Music Education - Doctoral Degree
Music Education - Master's Degree
Music Performance - Bachelor's Degree
Music Theory - Bachelor's Degree
Music Therapy - Bachelor's Degree
Narrative Media Writing - Master's Degree
Natural Res Mgmt and Sustain - Bachelor's Degree
Natural Resources - Master's Degree
Neuroscience - Doctoral Degree
Nonprofit Mgmt & Leadership - Master's Degree
Nutritional Sciences - Bachelor's Degree
Parks, Rec & Tourism Mgmt - Bachelor's Degree
Pharmaceutical Sciences - Bachelor's Degree
Pharmacy - Doctoral Degree
Pharmacy - Master's Degree
Pharmacy - Professional Degree
Philosophy - Bachelor's Degree
Philosophy - Doctoral Degree
Philosophy - Master's Degree
Physics - Bachelor's Degree
Physics - Doctoral Degree
Physics - Master's Degree
Physics and Astronomy - Bachelor's Degree
Plant Biology - Bachelor's Degree
Plant Biology - Doctoral Degree
Plant Biology - Master's Degree
Plant Breed Gene and Genomics - Doctoral Degree
Plant Breed Gene and Genomics - Master's Degree
Plant Pathology - Doctoral Degree
Plant Pathology - Master's Degree
Plant Protect and Pest Mgmt - Master's Degree
Political Sci and Int Affairs - Doctoral Degree
Political Sci and Int Affairs - Master's Degree
Political Science - Bachelor's Degree
Poultry Science - Bachelor's Degree
Poultry Science - Doctoral Degree
Poultry Science - Master's Degree
Prof School Counseling - Master's Degree
Professional Degree Counseling - Master's Degree
Psychology - Bachelor's Degree
Psychology - Doctoral Degree
Psychology - Master's Degree
Public Administration - Doctoral Degree
Public Administration - Master's Degree
Public Health - Doctoral Degree
Public Health - Master's Degree
Public Relations - Bachelor's Degree
Qualitative Res & Eval Methods - Doctoral Degree
Reading Education - Master's Degree
Real Estate - Bachelor's Degree
Religion - Bachelor's Degree
Religion - Doctoral Degree
Religion - Master's Degree
Risk Management and Insurance - Bachelor's Degree
Romance Languages - Bachelor's Degree
Romance Languages - Doctoral Degree
Romance Languages - Master's Degree
Russian - Bachelor's Degree
School Psychology - Master's Degree
Science Education - Bachelor's Degree
Science Education - Doctoral Degree
Science Education - Master's Degree
Social Studies Education - Bachelor's Degree
Social Studies Education - Master's Degree
Social Work - Bachelor's Degree
Social Work - Doctoral Degree
Social Work - Master's Degree
Sociology - Bachelor's Degree
Spanish - Bachelor's Degree
Spanish - Master's Degree
Special Education - Bachelor's Degree
Special Education - Doctoral Degree
Special Education - Master's Degree
Sport Management - Bachelor's Degree
Statistics - Bachelor's Degree
Statistics - Doctoral Degree
Statistics - Master's Degree
Student Affairs Leadership - Doctoral Degree
Teach Engl to Speak Other Lang - Master's Degree
TESOL and World Language Educ - Bachelor's Degree
TESOL and World Language Educ - Master's Degree
Textile Merch and Interiors - Master's Degree
Theatre - Bachelor's Degree
Theatre - Master's Degree
Toxicology - Doctoral Degree
Toxicology - Master's Degree
Turfgrass Management - Bachelor's Degree
Veterinary Medicine - Professional Degree
Veterinary Pathology - Doctoral Degree
Water and Soil Resources - Bachelor's Degree
Women's Studies - Bachelor's Degree
Workforce Education - Doctoral Degree
Workforce Education - Master's Degree
World Language Education - Master's Degree
Class of 2020 Results by College/School
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