History - Bachelor's Degree
Class of 2020

Total Degrees Awarded: 87
Number of Responses: 61
Knowledge/Response Rate: 70%
Post-Graduation Status Responses Percentage
Employed Full-Time 24 39%
Continuing Education 30 49%
Internship/Postdoc/Residency 1 2%
Employed Part-Time 2 3%
Not Seeking 1 2%
Seeking 3 5%

Salary Summary
# Reporting Salary High Salary Low Salary Median Salary # Reporting Bonus Median Bonus
6 47,647 30,000 45,500 3 *
* denotes less than 4 responses received.

Employers and Position Titles

Employer Position Title(s)
Alithya Marketing Intern
Alithya Marketing Intern
Alithya Marketing Intern
Alithya Marketing Intern
Athens Retina Center Assistant
City of Jamestown Investor Relations Analyst
Dekalb County Certified Teacher
Gwinnett County Teacher
Gwinnett County Substitute Teacher
Gwinnett County Park and Recreation
Gwinnett County Substitute Teacher
Gwinnett County Social Studies Teacher
Gwinnett County History Teacher
Keller Williams Reality Inc. Realtor
Metal , Petal Manager
PepsiCo Administrative Assistant
Rabin Real Estate Executive Associate
Taziki's Mediterranean Cafe Restaurant Shift Manager
Trenton Systems Sales Support Specialist
Turning Sun School Classroom Educator
University of Georgia Admissions Office - Administrative Assistant I
US Army Second Lieutenant
Woodberry Forest School Alumni Engagement and Communications Officer
Woodruff Property Management Assistant Property Manager
Yardi Systems Associate Account Executive
Yardi Systems Associate Account Executive
Yardi Systems Associate Account Executive
* denotes no responses received.

Continuing Education Schools and Programs

Graduate School Program(s)
Agnes Scott College Writing & Digital Communication, MFA
Brenau University Communication and Media Studies, Master's
Campbell University Law, JD
George Washington University Law School Law, JD
Georgia College and State University Teaching, Secondary Education, MAT
Georgia Film Academy Media Editing, Certificate
Georgia Institute of Technology Public Policy, MS
Georgia State University Law, JD
Georgia State University Law, JD
Lewis & Clark Law School Law, JD
Mercer University Law, JD
Middle Georgia State University History, BA
New England Law School Law, JD
Not Specified Law, JD
University of Colorado Denver Management, MS
University of Edenborough Philosophy, MA
University of Georgia Social Studies Education, M.Ed.
University of Georgia Anthropology, MA
University of Georgia Middle Grades Education, MAT
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia MAT Program, MSEd
University of Georgia Middle Grades Education, MS
University of Georgia Education, MA
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Urban Planning and Design, MUPD
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of North Carolina Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, MA
Vanderbilt University Law, JD
* denotes no responses received.

To contribute to these reports and be entered in the drawing to win $500 in prizes, please click the "Complete the Career Outcomes Survey" button

All UGA graduates, within 6 months of graduation, are eligible to participate.