
In spite of widespread technologies, platforms, and websites aimed at making it easier to connect job seekers with employers, networking remains the most beneficial method for job searching. In order for your network to be truly effective, it’s important to work on consistently growing and cultivating your network, regardless of your employment status. LinkedIn, career fairs, and professional networking events are all excellent resources. Be sure to utilize the UGA Career Center’s resources and programs to help you build and leverage your network

LinkedIn Profile

While it’s tempting to simply copy and paste the content from your resume into your LinkedIn profile, you’ll be better served by approaching your LinkedIn profile from a different perspective. Use a narrative and conversational writing style. For instance, you can include content like “I learned more than I ever could have imagined about customer relationship management” or “This role prepared me for my future career as a physician’s assistant because I learned how to communicate effectively even in sensitive situations.” Think about what you would like to do next in your career, and focus on including content that has prepared you for that next step.

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Informational Interviews

An informational interview is an opportunity to spend time with a professional in a career field of interest. These interviews may also be useful in a graduate school search as you explore and narrow down your options. Informational interviews can help you build your network, tap into the hidden job market, and learn unpublished details about a specific company, organization, or school. Follow the guidelines below to respect the time and energy of the professional you contact.

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Build Your Network

According to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Yale University report, 70% of today’s jobs are obtained through networking. Networking does not require that you know lots of people—only that you want to know more people than you do now. Though it may seem intimidating, all you need is preparation, time, and effort.

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