Intern for a Day
Intern for a Day

Click here to register for an information session.
What is it?
Intern For A Day is a one-day voluntary job shadowing experience that can be hosted either on-site at your organization or virtually for either a full day or half day. Students spend time observing and working with employees to gain an understanding of your company’s culture, relevant industry knowledge, and to see a day in the life of a working professional.
This program gives students a chance to job shadow potential career fields, both those exploring different industries and those looking to learn more about the industry related to their major.
Attending a virtual information session is mandatory for hosting. Attending this session does not commit your organization to participate. Click here to register - a zoom link will be sent after completion.
How do companies benefit?
- Recruiting tool - Intern For A Day provides you the opportunity to meet and identify candidates early in the recruiting process for internships or full-time jobs.
- Put your organization on students’ radar – This program allows your organization to advertise itself for students’ consideration when it’s time to fill your open positions and raise awareness of how your company functions in the industry.
- Alumni can connect with active students - A great way to give back to the University with your time and experience, Intern For A Day allows you to make a non-monetary contribution to UGA.
What does the actual day look like?
Flexibility is the essential aspect of the program. What interns do vary according to the career field, the intern’s interests, and the schedule of the organization. On past visits, students have observed the day-to-day activities of an organization, toured the facilities, and assisted as they are able and as needed on established projects or short-term activities. Some sample experiences include:
- Conducting informational interviews with a variety of employees to gain a broad perspective
- Attending meetings and other functions
- Preparing reports, spreadsheets, etc.
- Observing and asking questions
- Performing general office tasks
- Assisting with research projects
- Editing and proofreading
When does this program take place?
Intern For A Day is available both Fall and Spring Semester with the following time frame recommended for visits:
- Fall: Mid-October – December
- Spring: Mid-March – May
The actual date for the job shadow to take place is up to your organization and the student(s) to decide and coordinate together.
How are students chosen to participate?
Students attend mandatory orientation sessions, submit their resume and application indicating their interest in the program, preferences, and expectations. Students and hosts are then matched based on their mutual interests and available dates. The Intern For A Day Coordinator emails the matches and contact information to hosts and interns. The host and intern discuss the logistics of the visit, including time, duration, and directions.
Additional Information
If you have any questions regarding Intern For A Day opportunities at UGA, please e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).