“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.” -Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
Need a resume for an upcoming job, internship, graduate school application, or scholarship opportunity? Have you made a resume before? If you have, does it showcase relevant information about you in an easy-to-read format? Consider the following reasons to use the UGA Career Center’s new Resume Samples as your next template.
1. They are free. There is no need to pay for a resume template or review service when you have the UGA Career Center to help you. Simply select the DOCX or PDF download option on your desired sample and replace our content with your information.
2. They are editable. One struggle with other templates is that they retain formatting that can be near-impossible to remove. The samples from the UGA Career Center use simple spacing and formatting options that are easy to change without undoing your whole document. A simple format is also likely to be more compliant with online applicant tracking systems. Some templates found online use text boxes and other formatting items that do not work well with online applicant tracking systems. Use our samples to avoid this formatting problem and increase your chances of getting through the online application processes.
3. They are space-efficient. As you accomplish more in your time at UGA, it is harder to fit all of your experiences in one page. Notice how these samples use the right margin of the page for relevant details. Consider how they present font size, concise contact information, and skill tables/categories to save on vertical room.
4. They are made with a variety of career paths in mind. The basic resume sample provides general recommendations for resume content and formatting. You can also explore our other samples that provide fully-articulated examples of different majors, class years, accomplishments, or industries. Compare and contrast their formatting, language, and structure to find the right fit for your experience and goals.
If you need any assistance in creating or revising your resume, from brainstorming experiences to final touches, visit our Drop-In Hours every weekday while Spring/Fall classes are in session.
A word on creative formatting:
These resume samples present a traditional format that applies to the broadest audience of employers and industries. A standard format can help employers quickly find relevant information in a manner they expect to find it. If you are applying to a company or industry that might prefer a creative format for your application materials, consider a resume critique by the Career Center to suggest content and space-saving measures while still adhering to your chosen aesthetic. Also consider creating one resume version of traditional format and another with a creative look, so you can apply to all the jobs you desire with a resume tailored to that job.
See you at Drop-In Hours!
“My motto, as I live and learn, is: Dig And Be Dug In Return.” Langston Hughes, "Motto"