After Athens: Life After UGA

For those of you who recently graduated or graduating soon, congratulations! Earning your college degree is quite an accomplishment, and you should be proud. While this is a very exciting time, it also may seem a little scary or overwhelming when you begin thinking about your life after Athens. The transition from college to the real world can be challenging. Not only will you have a new daily routine, but many of you will also be adjusting to a new social life, a new city, a new job, and a new set of expectations. But don’t worry, the Career Center has many tips to share with you in our After Athens Guide that will help ease your transition from college to career. A few sections are highlighted below and the full version is available here.

Differences Between College and Work (p. 11): This page breaks down many of the daily expectations that often change when you enter the workplace. For example, in college you’ve become accustomed to a flexible daily schedule (i.e. naps at 2:00pm!) and long holiday breaks; in the working world, you’re expected to show up and be present for the entire day, and you most likely will no longer have an entire month off in December and January.

Starting the Job (p. 14-15): Look here for tips for your first day, week, and year on the job. For example, remember to show up on time, observe the office culture, get to know your co-workers, say yes to opportunities, know what’s expected, and don’t give up.

Transitioning into a New Life (p. 16): Read this section for tips on finding a place to live, making new friends, and making plans to put yourself out there and explore.

Budget (p. 17): Here you’ll find a sample budget to help you organize your monthly expenses to ensure you effectively manage your money. 

I hope you find the After Athens Guide helpful as you move forward to the next phase of your life. Remember, embracing the changes in your new life will help lead you to an exciting new adventure. Good luck!

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