“Class of 2023 Trends” according to Handshake

Whether you spent this summer interning, studying abroad, or recuperating after the spring semester, the Career Center is here to catch you up on the latest career trends of this summer. This month, we will look at ways the class of 2023 is establishing its own priorities amid a changing economy and work environment.  

The class of 2023 is approaching their job search with flexibility and sensibility in the face of uncertainty. Big-name companies are proving to be less of a draw for these graduates. According to Handshake, 10% fewer graduates cite company brand as a factor in their job search. Instead, the class is focusing on their own personal values and passions to guide them in their career choices. This includes looking to a wider range of industries to promote a more stable experience and salary amid inflation. On average, graduates are also submitting two to three more job applications to accommodate for the increased competition.  

The class of 2023 endured a disrupted beginning to their college experience due to COVID-19, and the effects of this remote time reflect in their career decisions. According to Handshake, “more than 7 in 10 [2023 graduates] would prefer a hybrid work arrangement,” with just 2 in 10 preferring a fully remote role. This class prefers the flexibility of hybrid work due to factors such as having opportunities to build connections while also saving on commute time. 

The class of 2023 is confident in their skills as they pursue jobs and launch their careers. According to Handshake, “7 out of 10 say the skills they have now are enough to secure the job they’d like.” However, this confidence also propels the graduates to keep honing new skills to stay relevant. Handshake reports that “3 out of 4 members of the class of 2023 are interested in developing new tech skills – such as data analysis, product management, and information technology." This eagerness to learn and harness their skills will help graduates stand out in their new roles. 

The recent graduates are ready to navigate their job search and new careers. If you are a recent graduate or preparing to graduate, the Career Center is here for you every step of the way. UGA-specific data regarding the class of 2023 is undergoing analysis. For information about UGA’s class of 2022 employment insights, visit the Career Outcomes Initiative

For the full Handshake Network Trends report, visit “The class of 2023 prepares for a future of work, disrupted.”  

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