Midterm Motivation – Words of Encouragement from Alumni Mentors

Midterm Motivation – Words of Encouragement from Alumni Mentors

It’s that time again... midterms! Let’s face it, 2020 has been a tough year, and midterms can make an already stressful year even more taxing. Nevertheless, we’ve got some motivation to help you keep going, directly from those who have been in your shoes. UGA Mentor Program alumni mentors shared with us words of encouragement and advice on how to make it through this season of midterms. By following their words of wisdom, you will be one step closer to achieving your goals!

Getting started is the hardest part. Here are some ways to prepare for your midterms:

“Take advantage of your professor's office hours! Your professor or TA wants you to get a good grade and will do what they can to help you, but you have to take initiative. Also, form study groups with people from your class. This was my most successful study strategy, because we would all compare our notes to fill in gaps that some of us may have missed or did not understand.” -Jared Eakins, School of Public and International Affairs ‘10

“When the stress level starts to heat up, be calm and identify the source of the ‘heat,’ then address that. For example, if you have too many distractions that are interfering with your preparation, figure out how to avoid them until your work is done.” -Hal Pate, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences ‘79

“Plan for and get the rest that you need. Your mind, your body, and your grades will thank you.” -Morgan Voshall, Terry College of Business ‘19

Already started studying? Here’s some motivation to keep you going:

“Remember these seasons of life are only temporary. Remember to prioritize the exams you're more concerned about and to try to keep your studying to digestible chunks.”  -Matthew Delgado, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences ‘20

“You have put in the time, you have studied, you have met other difficult challenges and overcome them.  This is no different.  Dig deep, tap into that strength and know you can kill these exams. Wishing you all the best!” -S. Elaine Hamilton, College of Education ‘89

“In a year from now, you are not going to remember what grade you got on your pre-calc final. Do well but stay motivated and focused. Get good sleep and plan ahead! Do not cram and do not compare yourself to others. Each person succeeds in a different way!" -Jessica Bortle, Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication ‘19

“You would not have been admitted if you were not an amazingly talented, smart person. Hunker down, study, and do your best, and I know you will rock your exams.”  -Jason Cyrus Ohanian, School of Law ‘99

“Don't put too much pressure on yourself during midterms! Remember that grades do not define you, and they are no indication of your worth as a person. Your hard work is not wasted, and each test or exam is one step closer to finishing your degree!” - Molly Ashmore, College of Public Health ‘20

And once you’ve made it through midterms, remember to...

“...reward yourself and do some self-care afterward.” - Alison McKay, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences ‘14

Appreciate the advice that was given by these mentors? They’re available and ready to connect with you! You can join the UGA Mentor Program and connect with an alumni mentor who can help you stay motivated no matter the season of life. Visit mentor.uga.edu to get started today!

Inspiring our students to do more, achieve more, and become more. That’s our commitment.

If you have any questions about the UGA Mentor Program or how to find a mentor, the UGA Mentor Lab is here to help. You can contact us at ugamentor@uga.edu.

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