Success in a Virtual Workplace

In today’s environment, many of us find ourselves working remote. Whether you’ve done it before or are new to the experience, you may find it difficult to separate work / life boundaries while remaining productive. We’ve compiled some of our favorite tips to help you optimize your at-home work environment.

Dress for the Day
Start your day by getting dressed as you would if you were heading to the office. Most companies today are business casual, and that is more than a t-shirt and joggers. Dressing the part gets your head in the right “productivity” space.

Dedicated Study Space
Not everyone has the luxury of having a separate office or room that they can study uninterrupted in. However, using a specific desk, table or area will allow you to remain focused and identify that area as “work focused.” Try not to mix personal life activities in your study space.

Take Breaks
It’s easy to get in the zone and forget lunch. Make sure you remember to take a few breaks throughout the day.

Limit Social Media Interaction
Use your breaks to check in on social media and don’t allow it to be a distraction during business hours.

Maintain a Schedule
Set your schedule based on your team's work hours. Adhere to being productive during certain hours and know when to call it a day.

Plan Out What You’ll be Working on Ahead of Time
If you have a game plan for your daily priorities, you’ll be less likely to become distracted – and better able to jump back in quickly when distractions arise.

Set Rules + Expectations for Interruptions
Define clear parameters to roommates or other household members around when it is acceptable to be interrupted or when you’re available.

Working virtually can be challenging, but if you are able to work a few of these tips into your everyday life – you’re on your way to maximizing your productivity!

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