Summertime Mentorship: Why Your Summer Plans Should Include Finding a Mentor

Your summer plans probably look drastically different from the ones you eagerly awaited just a few of months ago. Though those plans may have included a summer job, an internship, or studying abroad, there are still ways to bolster your skillset and summer experience. The UGA Mentor Program is here to offer up some suggestions on how you can turn those less than ideal summer bucket lists and career goal vacancies into an opportunity to find ways to continue to grow personally and professionally.

There may be no better time than now to invest in finding a mentor. “How can a mentor help me?” you ask. More ways than we can write about in this blog. Here are just a few of those benefits you can gain this summer by developing a mentoring relationship:

  • You can have meaningful conversations around life, work, and school with a mentor.
  • Mentors can help you develop personal and/or professional goals.
  • Mentors can then hold you accountable to your goals.
  • Mentors can help you expand your network.
  • Mentors can review resumes, application materials, or cover letters and provide constructive feedback.
  • Mentors can provide tips on interviewing or conduct a mock interview with you.
  • Want to learn a new skill with someone? Mentors can help there too.

Not to mention, you’ve probably been feeling a little disconnected from the Bulldog nation–we certainly have because #socialdistancing. Finding an alumni mentor through the UGA Mentor Program provides an avenue to feel closer to your fellow Bulldogs despite the distance. Don’t just take our word for it. To date, over 1,300 students and UGA alumni have made meaningful connections through the UGA Mentor Program. Check out what some of your peers had to say about their experiences:

"It has definitely been amazing having someone in my corner to help me through the uncertainties and keep me motivated! I truly enjoyed the experience and the impact it has made on my first year in college. I value the life-long connection I have made with my mentor." ​

"Connecting with a UGA mentor is an invaluable experience that has taught me a lot about professionalism and networking.  My first mentor opened my eyes to the importance of networking because it is used in every industry."

"I was scared that I would have a mentor who didn’t care, but I was quickly put at ease. My mentor genuinely supported my ambitions and talked me through my goals."

Now that you know finding a mentor will be the perfect plan for your summer, here’s how you can start to grow your network, explore interests, and strengthen the Bulldog community:

  1. Create a profile at
  2. Register for a virtual orientation.
  3. Request a UGA mentor. You can find the right mentor for you by narrowing your search based on location, identity, industry, and more!

We also have a number of useful resources from How to Request a Mentor to conversation starters to help you begin your mentorship on the right paw. If you have any questions about the UGA Mentor Program, how to connect with a mentor, or best ways to maximize your mentorship, the Mentor Lab is here to help. You can contact us at

Inspiring our students to do more, achieve more, and become more. That’s our commitment.

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