The Key to Staying Organized During Your Job or Internship Search

The job/internship search can feel stressful. You must make sure to apply to each position before the deadline, write a cover letter, network, AND stay on top of your classes at the same time.

This can all be very overwhelming in the moment and can lead you to feel disorganized and disoriented when you are applying to multiple positions and networking with different recruiters. However, this can all be relieved by using a simple spreadsheet that outlines all of the different positions to which you have applied, the date you applied, the recruiter with whom you’re communicating, the start date of the position, whether you have received an update about your application status, and any other relevant notes.

While this may seem like too much to do or slightly *extra* this spreadsheet can be created to be as in-depth or minimalistic as you want it to be. Regardless of the detail level of your spreadsheet or chart, you’ll have a one-stop shop where you can visually see where you are during your job or internship search. Below you can find an example of what a job or internship search organization chart can look like:

Version #1:

screenshot of example Excel spreadtsheet

Below are two more versions with added categories based on your individual needs and a change of color for aesthetic appeal. It’s important to make this organizational chart work for you!

Version #2:

screenshot of example Excel spreadtsheet

Version #2 has slightly more details than Version #1 and includes the location of the position. This might be important to include, especially if you are applying to positions in different locations around the US or even the world. Additionally, it will serve as a great reference should you need to consider the cost of living as part of managing multiple offers.

Version #3:

screenshot of example Excel spreadtsheet

Version #3 is an example of an in-depth job and internship search organizational chart including the ability to track your follow-up emails and whether the position is paid.

As you can see, this organizational chart can be as in-depth or as simplistic as you wish, but the point is to have one document that will allow you to feel organized and reassured in your job or internship search. By implementing these organizational tactics, we hope your job / internship search will feel less stressful and more manageable. For more information on navigating your job / internship search, check out the Career Center’s online resources or make an appointment with your Career Consultant.

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