Quinncia: The AI Advisor that Helps You Prepare for Applying

Quinncia is here to help elevate your resume writing and interview skills so you have the best possible chance of getting to the actual person that does the hiring within an organization.

How do you start? Just go to the Quinncia website, enter your full, UGA MyID email address, and you will be guided through the registration process. You may also watch the short video on this page to learn more about how to register your account. If you don’t have a resume already, there will be templates available to download after you log in.


What is ATS?

If you are on the hunt for a new job, there may be something standing in the way of you and your dream position. It prevents up to 95% of applications from ever touching a hiring manager’s desk, and it’s called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This software system analyzes multiple components of a job application, filters candidates based on keywords and experiences and passes along only the most promising applications to hiring managers. Luckily, we compiled steps that will help you be in the 5% of applications that passes the ATS and Quinncia is here to help.

ATS has many functions, including:

  • Acting as a job board to post open positions and gather job applications
  • Conducting performance assessments, such as resume analyses and video interviews
  • Predicting employee performance

The resume analysis function of ATS presents the largest hurdle for job applicants to overcome. On average, 97% of employers require applicants to submit a resume or complete a similar assessment. ATS rejects between 70 – 80% of candidates whose applications are run through the system based on their resumes.

Why do employers use ATS?

Employers use ATS technology to receive and process thousands of applications in a very short amount of time. Company employees spend time evaluating only the most qualified candidates because the ATS rejects candidates automatically. These systems help employers save company resources while still getting the job done.

What is AI Interviewing?

Employers frequently use AI interviews to evaluate a large number of applicants at once without having to meet them all in person. Each applicant answers interview questions selected by the hiring manager and records themselves doing so. The AI then analyzes the interview and submits the best candidates to the hiring manager for further consideration. AI interviews are the future, so it is important to prepare for them ahead of time!

How can you prepare?

If you know the formula the AI uses to evaluate interviews, you can use it to your advantage. Review the metrics with Quinncia and brainstorm ways in which you can tailor your responses and score well in these categories.

You can use the STAR method to help you score well on the content metrics. STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. Phrase your responses using this format to emphasize your relevant technical, essential, and core skills. You can also use the opportunity to expand on the accomplishments that you listed on your resume.