What Every Student Needs - A Part-Time Job and Internship!

This blog post has been updated by Megan Elrath, Career Consultant on April 1, 2024.

As each new school year gets rolling and you get settled back into Athens, there are a few things you should consider that will be important regarding your career development and how employable you will be by the time you graduate. Working at the Career Center gives our staff the chance to interact with employers from a wide variety of industries. Our staff regularly asks employers who actively recruit at UGA what they want to see on student resumes. Almost all employers tell us that when reviewing student resumes, they look for some form of part-time work experience.

There are several reasons why employers would like to see you hold a part-time job, internship or ideally, both, during your college years. Employers want to hire candidates who possess a solid work ethic, which you can demonstrate by balancing your coursework and a part-time job. A job that refines team work skills, communication (written and verbal), and problem solving can demonstrate some of your most marketable attributes. Attending classes and getting solid grades are important, but the employer wants to see success in both your academics and your part-time work.

Fortunately, part-time jobs and internships are plentiful in Athens. In fact, UGA employs approximately 5000 students, mostly in part-time roles. These jobs tend to be the most competitive in Athens, based upon the convenience factor for many students who live on or near campus. Also, UGA departments understand a student’s schedule and are more willing to work with you on finding the best hours to work around your academic responsibilities. Looking for on-campus work should start with Handshake and the largest hiring departments on campus. Dining Services, Recreational Sports at Ramsey, and Housing offer a large percentage of on-campus jobs and post positions on their websites. Check out resources for applying to on-campus (and off-campus) jobs here.

Here are 5 tips to securing a part-time job or internship as a student:

  1. Network with friends, family, and UGA faculty and let them know you are looking for a part-time job. This is the most common and easiest way to find employment. Ask friends where they work and even ask your friends to recommend you to the hiring manager.
  2. Make sure your resume looks great! A great resume leads to a call back from the hiring manager for an interview. Check out our resume samples to get started. Make sure to get your resume reviewed at the Career Center during our drop-in hours, Monday through Friday, from 11am until  2pm in Clark Howell Hall (Friday drop-in hours are virtual).
  3. Follow up with the hiring manager a few days after you apply. Make a personal connection either in person or over the phone. This allows you to show off good communication skills and confidence. You may need to develop an elevator pitch or short introduction of your name, major, year in school, and a brief point about previous work experience. The Career Guide is a great resource to assist you in developing job search skills, such as an elevator pitch and nailing the interview. BTW, you can pick up a hard copy of the Career Guide in Clark Howell Hall during our business hours, Monday through Friday from 8am until 5pm.
  4. Practice common interview questions so that you ace the interview and make a great impression. Remember, the resume gets you the interview, but the interview gets you the job.
  5. Once you land the job, work like a DAWG and make the hiring manager look good. Showing up on time, taking initiative, and picking up extra shifts from co-workers are all great ways to make a postiive impression and secure a stellar recommendation for future opportunities.  

Congratulations! You are on your way to securing a part-time job or internship in Athens and beyond. Remember, the more responsibility and challenge you face during your college years, the more Arch Ready you will be by the time you graduate! Go DAWGS!

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