What Can I Do With a Major In Health and Physical Education?
UGA Specific Information for Health and Physical Education
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Physical Education qualifies a student to seek certification in health and physical education in elementary, middle and secondary school in Georgia. The mission of the physical education teacher education (PETE) program at The University of Georgia is to prepare teachers who possess curricular and pedagogical content knowledge that will enable them to teach individuals to be physically active for a lifetime. The Physical and Health Education Teacher Certification Program at the University of Georgia is a certification only program. This means that all students who begin the program will not have the option to graduate with a degree in Physical and Health Education without being certified to teach in the state of Georgia.
Class of 2024 Career Outcomes for Health and Physical Education*
** Includes Self-Employed
Campus Resources
Additional UGA Career Center Recommendations
Additional Career Research Resources
- O*NET Online – The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, and interests associated with over 900 occupations.
- My Next Move – An interactive tool for students and job seekers to learn more about their career options.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook – The OOH is a career resource offering information on the hundreds of occupations that provide most of jobs in the United States.
- Vault – Vault.com provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work in an industry, company, or profession – and how to position yourself to land that job.
- Candid Career – This resource provides you with access to thousands of informational video interviews with real professionals through an easy-to-use website.
- UGA Mentor Program – Connect with a mentor (alumni, faculty, staff) to research and explore industries and careers. Research industries and careers by connecting with a mentor for a quick chat or formal 16-week mentorship through the UGA Mentor Program.
- Interstride - Interstride is an interactive tool for both international and domestic students to enhance their international experience and employment potential. The platform consists of job-listings, hiring trends, employer information, self-assessments, and up-to-date immigration guidance.
- Glassdoor - Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community that offers an inside look at jobs and companies through "employee generated content" – anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees and job seekers.
- Steppingblocks - Research your future career with real-world stats about your major, your interests, and your dream job title with career and education searches designed to find your best path based on millions of others. It’s data-powered career exploration for doers like you.
Employment Websites
- Handshake (scroll down to the bottom of the page; login with your UGA MyID and password)
- LinkedIn (this popular networking site also has a job board!)
- Idealist (non-profit jobs)
- USAJobs (federal jobs)
- Georgia Charter Schools Association
- Georgia Department of Education
- Georgia Independent School Association
- Register onto SchoolSpring
- Southern Teachers Agency (private schools)
- Teachers-Teachers jobs
- TeachGeorgia Georgia’s Official Teacher Recruitment Website
- The American Association for Employment in Education (AAEE)
- The International Educator
- Cool Works
- Online Sports Jobs
- Coach U
- Sports Mark Management Group, Ltd.
Professional Associations/Resources
Daily Career Center Drop-In Hours: (staffed by Career Center graduate assistants and student interns)
- In-Person: Mondays – Thursdays, 12 pm – 2 pm in Clark Howell Hall (2nd Floor)
- Virtual: Fridays, 11 am – 3 pm, career.uga.edu/appointments
- No Appointment Necessary!
Individual Career Consulting Appointments: Schedule online through Handshake or by calling 706-542-3375
Employers/Position Titles Reported by Class of 2024 Health and Physical Education Majors
The information below represents employers and position titles from the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.
Employer | Position Title(s) |
Aero Exterminators | Service Technician | Madison County School District | Co-Teacher | McDuffie County School District | Teacher | Peach County School District | Physical Education Teacher | Tennessee Tech University | Graduate Assistant Coach |
Graduate/Professional Schools Attended by Class of 2024 Health and Physical Education Majors
The information below represents graduate/professional schools and programs reported through the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.
Graduate School | Program(s) |
Jax Aero | Pilot License | Rocky Mountain College | Occupational Therapy, OTD | University of South Florida | School of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, Doctoral |