Live and Work in Boston (Arch Ready Spring 2025)

Date: March 11, 2025
Time: 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm

Location: Online Via Handshake

Register on Handshake

Have you ever considered launching your career in a new city? Are you overwhelmed by the idea of conducting a “long distance” job search? "Live and Work in Boston" will provide you with a roadmap for relocating and job hunting in a new city. Tap into the wisdom of UGA alumni flourishing in Boston, as they share invaluable tips and tricks. Navigate the transition with confidence, unlocking opportunities for career growth in this vibrant city.
This program develops the following UGA Institutional Competencies: Communication and Creativity & Innovation.

  1. Understand logistical and lifestyle considerations around moving to a new city.
  2. Learn how to conduct a “long distance” job search early in your career.
  3. Connect with panelists for continued networking.

Recommended dress for this event: Casual

Click here for directions.

More information: (706) 542-3375

This event is sponsored by the University of Georgia Career Center

*Unless otherwise noted, all University of Georgia Career Center events are for University of Georgia students and University of Georgia alumni only. Some employer information sessions are conducted by invitation only. Before attending an employer information session, please check the event details in Handshake to determine any attendance eligibility requirements.

The Career Center is committed to providing access for all people. If you have accessibility concerns, please contact us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) at least two weeks prior to the event to arrange reasonable accommodations.