Intern For A Day

What is Intern For A Day?
The UGA Career Center's Intern For A Day Program is a volunteer "job shadowing" opportunity for students to spend 1 day observing and often working with professionals, investigating a career field and experiencing a typical day or week on the job. This experience is not for credit or pay but greatly benefits both interns and sponsors. It allows a student to clarify career goals, while allowing the sponsor (or prospective employer) to evaluate a student’s interests, skills and abilities.

When is Intern For A Day offered?
Intern For A Day is flexible and should be scheduled by the student and host organization based on their availability. Fall opportunities will be offered from mid-October through the first week of January. The spring program will be offered mid-March through May.

Why should I participate in Intern For A Day?
Intern For A Day is a great way to learn about the day-to-day work life of a professional in a career field of your choice. The Intern For A Day program offers the chance to "test" a career without risk of a semester or longer term commitment. It can also help you get your foot in the door for a competitive internship program or job.

What activities are Interns involved in?
Many students shadow in one department for one day; others rotate through various departments to get a broad overview. You may take a tour; conduct informational interviews with people in various specializations and at different levels; review company literature; sit in on staff meetings; help with clerical tasks; ask questions about the field, the organization, necessary training and curriculum to follow to enter the field; and/or assist with actual office projects (research, report writing, etc.).

Do I receive course credit? The Intern For A Day program is a non-credit volunteer experience. You will not receive compensation or reimbursement for travel expenses.

If you have any questions regarding Intern For A Day opportunities at UGA please e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).