CDI Survival Tips for Virtual Learning

The Career Development Interns are navigating working and learning in a virtual environment. Like many of our peers at UGA, we have had to make adjustments to our regular routines in response to the coronavirus. We gathered our best tips for surviving virtual learning below. We hope sharing these can help you finish the semester strong and be better prepared for the Spring!

Find a new study space!Allie: Find new spaces to study! I struggle to stay motivated when I’m sitting in my room for back-to-back classes. I try to break up the day by completing virtual classes and assignments in new places on campus. There are many outdoor areas where you can be socially distant and enjoy the fresh air! I like to sit at Herty Fountain and the Jaworski Amphitheater on South Campus. The UGA App has a new section called “Study Space” where you can filter locations on campus to find a perfect outdoor workspace for you!

Caroline A:  One of the best ways to survive virtual learning is through organization! It can be easy to jumble all of your thoughts together through virtual learning. Organization can be present in a number of ways whether that be through a physical planner or an online platform, organizing due dates, tasks, and homework can help you be the most efficient! Sometimes, writing it down can be the best way to remember it the most!

Sarah: Try to make yourself a daily schedule to give some structure to the day. With the increase in asynchronous learning, it can be hard to maximize your time during the day when there are not set periods for learning. Creating a daily schedule in advance will help you budget your time so that you are more efficient and aren’t waiting until the last minute to get assignments done!

Get dressed up!Michael: Try to dress as if you are going to class in person as much as possible. With online learning, comes the ability to do class at a desk, the kitchen table, or for some people, in bed. If you dress up a little bit, at least every once in a while, it can help bring some normalcy and motivation to your schooling in these very abnormal and often unmotivating times.

Remove distractions!Joanna: Limit your distractions! When learning from home, it can be easy to get caught up in the distractions of your home. To focus fully on your assignments, try to eliminate some potential distractors! Remember to turn off the TV and consider putting your cell phone on Do Not Disturb/leaving it in another room to avoid losing focus. Additionally, think about working independently in your bedroom to avoid noisy roommates, who may be in common living areas. Also, make sure any pets are taken care of before you hop on a Zoom Call, or start an assignment, to avoid any potentially multitasking that might negatively affect your work quality.

Stay connected!Melanie: My number one tip to survive virtual learning is to stay connected! Navigating online school can feel lonely at times but registering for zoom events can help you feel engaged. Try to remain active in your clubs by participating in the online events, or even try joining new organizations. Lastly try reaching out to professors as much as you can. Having a constant flow of communication will help you stay motivated as well as on top of deadlines.

Caroline B: Two tools that have helped me immensely this semester include Microsoft To Do as well as the Moment app. Microsoft To-Do is accessible through your UGA Outlook account, and is an easy to use to do list that allows you to categorize different tasks through customizable lists. The Moment app tracks your screen time and updates you on your phone use throughout the day. It has held me accountable to make sure that I am taking breaks that don’t involve screens!

Again, we hope these tips help you feel successful this semester! If you are job searching, applying to graduate school, exploring majors, or looking for other career-related support, the Career Center is still virtually available for you. Find the Handshake event for Virtual Drop Ins to meet with Career Center staff for 10-15-minute appointments Monday – Friday from 11-2 PM. Good luck and Go Dawgs!

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