This blog post has been updated by Kristina Rust, Career Consultant on March 1, 2024.
Have you heard of Handshake, the Career Center's job posting board? I am here to tell you about the amazing new features Handshake has to offer. Handshake is created to mirror the technology you use on a daily basis. It uses an interface and layout similar to many of the social media sites to which you are exposed. Whether you are accessing the job board from your mobile phone on the way to class or from your laptop in the comforts of your off-campus apartment, Handshake is adaptable to students who are constantly on the go.
1. View companies seeking to hire UGA students.
Everything you will need on Handshake can be located in the left-hand side tool bar. The “Jobs” section allows you to search through the job postings and internship opportunities currently available. While looking through job and internship postings, you will have the ability to filter your search by your major, job type, employment type, and employer industry. You even have the ability to follow an employer or job posting to make it easier to review at a later date. Take advantage of using these features to help find the experiences you are trying to pursue. When companies reach out to our Career Center to say, "We love the students at The University of Georgia. How do we advertise our current openings to attract them?", Handshake is where our office directs them.
2. Never miss an opportunity.
The “Events” section within the left-hand side tool bar allows you to review different events, like Arch Ready workshops and on-campus interviews with companies who are visiting our campus. You will be able to select specific career fairs of interest and review the participating companies. Taking the time to research employers participating in our career fairs helps you to become better prepared to make your best first impression. Ever wonder how your friend snagged an on-campus interview with EY? Simple: they applied online via Handshake. Everything you need to stay up to date regarding current opportunities and events can be found somewhere on Handshake.
3. Explore with Handshake's intuitive user interface.
What makes Handshake unique is the software’s ability to show you internship and job postings specifically tailored to your interest areas. Want to make sure you are receiving those tailored job selections right on your home page? Make sure to fill out the career interests survey that pops up the first time you use the site. This feature allows you to select and tailor what jobs or experiences you are looking to gain in the future. By filling out this section of your profile, Handshake has the ability to become a more tailored and time-saving tool, making your internship or job searching process easy as 1, 2, 3.
If you haven’t had the chance to sign into Handshake and start exploring this amazing job board site, now is the time. Don’t wait until you are starting to apply for internships or jobs before you log in and create your profile. The more that you invest your time into this site from the beginning, the better chances you will not miss out on the opportunities that are waiting for you, at just a click of a button.