Your Part-Time Job Experience is Relevant

As you work on your resume in preparation for upcoming career fairs or networking opportunities, let’s break down why your part-time job experience is relevant. 

It can be very easy to discredit ourselves and say part-time jobs, like waiting tables, nannying, etc., aren't “real” professional experiences. As a former recruiter, I have heard many students say this exact phrase to me on multiple occasions, throwing away these roles with comments like “It’s all I have to fill the space,” or “I just do this to pay the bills.” I want to emphasize that these experiences are “real” and point out the different ways these roles have prepared you for other professional opportunities. 

If you speak about your part-time role sheepishly, that will stay in a recruiter’s mind for the rest of your conversation/interview with them. You are now having to actively work against yourself and make up for lost ground. Feeling confident is half the battle. 

Recruiters are trained to read into how students present themselves. Once an experience is dismissed and feelings of unease creep in, it is very apparent in the interaction. I recall one student interaction where they were apprehensive in discussing the part-time job they were currently working. Instead of being remembered for providing high quality customer service in their role, I remember how quickly they downplayed the experience. 

A good preparation exercise you can implement easily is asking yourself, “What did I learn from this experience?” Do this for everything on your resume so you feel prepared to speak on each one. This will also help you identify transferable skills. 

No matter the type of part-time work experience, in every role you should be able to identify a handful of transferable skills. These are soft skills that can transfer to a variety of different jobs within different industries. 

Some common examples of transferable skills include: 

  • Time Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Service
  • Communication 
  • Organization

Once you’ve identified some transferable skills from your role, use that as your foundation to confidently discuss your experiences. Waiting tables taught you how to effectively communicate with customers and staff. Nannying children taught you conflict resolution. Working in retail taught you the importance of staying organized. Remember recruiters don’t look down on any type of professional experience. They just want to learn how your experiences have shaped you. 

Embrace your part-time job and utilize these resources for additional support. 


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