UGA Specific Information for Health Promotion

The Department of Health Promotion and Behavior (HPB), through research, teaching, and service, prepares professionals in process-related competencies in health promotion programming that are based on a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the determinants of health. Health promotion efforts are directed at influencing or facilitating health-related behavior, advocating public health policy, creating supportive environments, strengthening community action, developing personal skills, and reorienting health services. Students are prepared to work in health promotion and wellness positions in public, community, health care, and worksite settings.

There are two areas of emphasis that you can choose from in this major:

Health Promotion - The health promotion area of emphasis prepares students for health promotion and wellness positions in public, community, worksite, and health care setting, as well as for graduate level work in public health.

Health Services - The health services area of emphasis prepares students for graduate level work with an emphasis on disease prevention and wellness. Graduate work may include pre-physician’s assistant, pre-medical or pre-dental, or other professional health services programs.

Behavioral Medicine - Behavioral Medicine Area of Emphasis in health promotion prepares up to 20 students a year in pre-medicine. This area of emphasis focuses on behavioral medicine and includes community, residency, and practical experiences.

Class of 2024 Career Outcomes for Health Promotion*

** Includes Self-Employed

Campus Resources

College of Public Health Activities, Clubs and Honor Societies

  • Future Health Promoters Club
  • Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine
  • Student Chapter, American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
  • Student Membership with the Gerontological Society of America

Find additional clubs and organizations here.

Connect with your Career Consultant

Finding Research:

Pre-Health Students: The UGA Career Center offers support specifically for you through Pre-Health Appointments, which can be scheduled through Handshake. The Career Center can help you:

  • explore roles in healthcare
  • prepare application materials
  • prepare for interviews
  • navigate growth years.

You can self-enroll in our Career Development Resources eLC for Pre-Health Students for helpful information that you can access from anywhere at any point. If you have questions specifically about GPA, application walkthroughs, and prerequisite course requirements for professional programs, schedule an appointment with the Pre-Professional Advising Office.

Additional UGA Career Center Recommendations

Where are health educators employed?

In schools health educators teach health as a subject and promote and implement Coordinated School Health Programs, including health services, student, staff and parent health education, and promote healthy school environments and school-community partnerships. At the school district level they develop education methods and materials; coordinate, promote, and evaluate programs; and write funding proposals.

Working on a college/university campus, health educators are part of a team working to create an environment in which students feel empowered to make healthy choices and create a caring community. They identify needs; advocate and do community organizing; teach whole courses or individual classes; develop mass media campaigns; and train peer educators, counselors, and/or advocates. They address issues related to disease prevention; consumer, environmental, emotional, sexual health; first aid, safety and disaster preparedness; substance abuse prevention; human growth and development; and nutrition and eating issues. They may manage grants and conduct research.

In companies, health educators perform or coordinate employee counseling as well as education services, employee health risk appraisals, and health screenings. They design, promote, lead and/or evaluate programs about weight control, hypertension, nutrition, substance abuse prevention, physical fitness, stress management and smoking cessation; develop educational materials; and write grants for money to support these projects. They help companies meet occupational health and safety regulations, work with the media, and identify community health resources for employees.

In health care settings health educators educate patients about medical procedures, operations, services and therapeutic regimens, create activities and incentives to encourage use of services by high risk patients; conduct staff training and consult with other health care providers about behavioral, cultural or social barriers to health; promote self-care; develop activities to improve patient participation on clinical processes; educate individuals to protect, promote or maintain their health and reduce risky behaviors; make appropriate community-based referrals, and write grants.

In community organizations and government agencies health educators help a community identify its needs, draw upon its problem-solving abilities and mobilize its resources to develop, promote, implement and evaluate strategies to improve its own health status. Health educators do community organizing and outreach, grantwriting, coalition building, advocacy and develop, produce, and evaluate mass media health campaigns.

*Taken from "What is Health Promotion & Behavior?," UGA College of Public Health

Additional Career Research Resources

  • O*NET Online – The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, and interests associated with over 900 occupations.  
  • My Next Move – An interactive tool for students and job seekers to learn more about their career options.  
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook – The OOH is a career resource offering information on the hundreds of occupations that provide most of jobs in the United States.  
  • Vault – provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work in an industry, company, or profession – and how to position yourself to land that job.  
  • Candid Career – This resource provides you with access to thousands of informational video interviews with real professionals through an easy-to-use website.  
  • UGA Mentor Program – Connect with a mentor (alumni, faculty, staff) to research and explore industries and careers. Research industries and careers by connecting with a mentor for a quick chat or formal 16-week mentorship through the UGA Mentor Program.  
  • Interstride - Interstride is an interactive tool for both international and domestic students to enhance their international experience and employment potential. The platform consists of job-listings, hiring trends, employer information, self-assessments, and up-to-date immigration guidance. 
  • Glassdoor - Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community that offers an inside look at jobs and companies through "employee generated content" – anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees and job seekers.  
  • Steppingblocks - Research your future career with real-world stats about your major, your interests, and your dream job title with career and education searches designed to find your best path based on millions of others. It’s data-powered career exploration for doers like you.

Employment Websites

Professional Associations/Resources

Tip: Join LinkedIn groups that are related to your career interest. Need help finding groups? Check out the Groups You May Like link under the Interests/Groups tab. Review the groups that professionals in your field of interest have joined and consider joining them as well.

Employers/Position Titles Reported by Class of 2024 Health Promotion Majors

The information below represents employers and position titles from the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.

Employer Position Title(s)
3:16 Family Medicine Medical Assistant
Absolute Weight Loss & Wellness Medical Assistant
ADP Associate District Manager
Amazon Workplace Health and Safety Specialist
Arthritis Knee Pain Centers Medical Assistant
Atlanta Heart Associates Medical Assistant
Axion Spine & Neurosurgery Clinical Assistant
Barbour Orthopaedics & Spine Clinical Assistant
Booz Allen Hamilton Senior Consultant
Carmel Joseph Pulmonologist and Sleep Specialist
Dermatology Consultants, P.C. Patient Access Representative
Forvis Healthcare Regulatory Consultant
Georgia Environmental Protection Division Program Assistant
Georgia Harm Reduction Coalition Harm Reduction Coordinator
Goodman Dermatology Medical Assistant and Scribe
Grady Health System Food as Medicine Technician
International Rescue Committee ICM Caseworker
Link Logistics Lease Adminstrator
Locum Tenens Learning and Development Coordinator
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Health Management Associate
Medical University of South Carolina Patient Care Technician
Metro Atlanta Ambulance Service EMT
OrthoAtlanta Medical Assistant
OrthoMaryland Medical Assistant
Peace Corps Secondary English Teacher
Peachtree Orthopedics Clinical Assistant
Renew Dermatology Certified Medical Assistant
Resurgens Orthopedics Medical Assistant
Scribe-X Medical Scribe
Sholes Center for Women's Health Medical Assistant
Sleep and Sinus Centers of Georgia Medical Assistant and Scribe
Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta Lead Medical Assistant
SuperScribe, LLC Medical Scribe
University of Georgia First Year Intern
Wellstar Health System Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
Wellstar Health System Emergency Department Technician
Wesleyan School Faculty Fellow
WTW Health and Benefits Analyst
* denotes no responses received.

*Source: Areas above marked with an Asterisk (*) have been created utilizing data taken from the UGA Career Outcomes Survey. The "Employers Hiring...," "Job Titles of...," "Career Outcomes for...," and "Graduate/Professional Schools and Programs..." information listed above represent UGA Class of 2024 Graduates. The lists are not exhaustive and therefore do not represent all potential career options. Click here for more detailed Career Outcomes information regarding this major.

Graduate/Professional Schools Attended by Class of 2024 Health Promotion Majors

The information below represents graduate/professional schools and programs reported through the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.

Graduate School Program(s)
Augusta University Post-Baccalaureate, Non-degree
Augusta University Clinical Nurse Leader, MSN
Chatham University Physician Assistant Studies, MPAS
East Georgia State College Liberal Arts Nursing Track
Emory University Epidemiology, MPH
Emory University Global Environmental Health, MPH
Emory University Master of Nursing, MSN
Emory University Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences, MPH
Georgia Institute of Technology City and Regional Planning, Master’s
Georgia State University Public Health, MPH
Georgia State University Business Administration, MHA
Johns Hopkins University Health Policy, MSPH
Mercer University Medicine, MD
Northeast Ohio Medical University Medicine, MD
Nova Southeastern University Anesthesia, MS
South College Physician Assistant, MHS
Tulane University Disaster Management, Master’s
University of Alabama at Birmingham Accelerated Master's in Nursing, MSN
University of Georgia Public Health, MPH
University of Georgia Health Administration, MHA
University of Georgia Health Policy & Management, MPH
University of Georgia Comparative Biomedical Science, MS
University of North Georgia Nursing, BSN
University of Southern California Public Health, MPH
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Genetic Counseling, MS
Vanderbilt University Child Studies, MEd
Vanderbilt University Family Nurse Practitioner, MSN
Wright State University Medicine, MD
* denotes no responses received.