Before, During, and After a Virtual Career Fair – 10 Tips You Need to Know

We want you to be as prepared as you can be for the Virtual Career Fair. Never been to one before? Don’t worry! Following these tips will ensure that you are ready to meet and talk with employers at our Virtual Career Fair. There are three key stages that will provide the key to success: Before the Fair, During the Fair, and After the Fair.

Before the Fair:

  • Update your handshake account.
    • Check that the basics are accurate: graduation date, school year, major, GPA and work authorization.
    • Select the job types, locations and roles that interest you, so recruiters know which jobs and internships are a good fit for you.
    • Add your courses, skills, and any previous work experience.
  • Find out which employers are attending.
    • View the virtual fair details page on Handshake and make a list of the employers you are interested in.
    • From there, you can click through to each employer’s Handshake page to learn more about them, read reviews from other students, and sign up for group and 1:1 sessions.
  • Research your target employers.
    • When you sign up to attend an employer’s virtual fair session, research beyond their Handshake profile. Check out their company website and search online for any recent news articles and other relevant information. You can also watch our YouTube video on the topic.
    • Create a document that outlines details from your research on each employer so you can review before virtual sessions.
    • Formulate any questions you may have about the company or the position, so you are ready to ask during the fair and don’t feel put on the spot. i.
    • Pro tip: ALWAYS ask at least one question!
  • Prepare a few talking points!
    The employers that you meet with want to learn more about you. Consider including the following pieces of information in your introduction to a recruiter:
    • Who are you?
      1. Begin by telling the recruiter your name, year in school, and major
      2. Share anything unique about your course of study
    • Why are you here? Why are you interested in their company/organization?
      1. Are you seeking a summer internship?
      2. Are you seeking a full-time job?
      3. Are you simply networking for the future?
      4. Is there a position that intrigued you?
      5. Were you excited about one of their company initiatives?
    • What can you offer?
      1. Discuss your accomplishments or skills relevant to the company or job
      2. Don’t be shy about including “evidence” through projects, classes, internships, research, campus jobs, etc.

During the Fair

  • Make sure your background is free of distractions!
    • Pro tip: Make your bed and clean up your floor if that will be in your background. Employers notice messy backgrounds!
  • Find a quiet space with secure internet connection and good lighting to avoid technological mishaps and disconnections.
  • Pay attention during your session!
    • Often it can be very easy to get distracted while on Zoom, play on your phone, or multitask, but employers notice the students who aren’t engaged and actively listening.
    • Remember, business professional attire and showing up on time are expectations even though it is a virtual career fair!

After the Fair

  • Send a follow up email to the representative you spoke with thanking them for their time and sharing their experiences and information.
  • Connect with the employer you spoke with on LinkedIn.
  • Follow the employer on Handshake for updates about available positions.
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