UGA Specific Information for Sociology

The major is designed to teach undergraduate students the sociological perspective, which has three central aspects. The first is the recognition of the preeminence of social structures and their influences, and of micro- and macro-level social processes. The second is the role of logic and of the scientific method in the acquisition of knowledge. The final aspect is the enduring link between the individual's experience and larger social processes.

In achieving its purpose, the sociology curriculum provides repeated experiences wherein students pose sociological questions and bring data to bear on them, making full use of computer technologies. Courses underscore the centrality of race, class, gender and culture in society and in sociological analysis. In the process, they expose students to comparative and international materials. More generally, the major develops student capacity for abstract thought, and for effective written and oral communication.

Sociology is a liberal-arts specialty that leads to a wide range of career options in government or business. In addition, a sociology major provides a solid foundation for further post-graduate study in law, business, and the social sciences. An undergraduate sociology major provides valuable insights into social factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, education, and social class that affect work and how organizations operate. Sociology majors who are interested in organizational theory gravitate toward organizational planning, development, and training. Those who study the sociology of work and occupations may pursue careers in human resources management (personnel) and industrial relations. Students who especially enjoy research design, statistics, and data analysis seek positions in marketing, public relations, and organizational research. Courses in economic and political sociology, cultural diversity, racial and ethnic relations, and social conflict can lead to positions in international business.

Taken from UGA Bulletin.

Class of 2024 Career Outcomes for Sociology*

** Includes Self-Employed

Campus Resources

Career Consulting

  • Virtual drop-in hours are available Monday - Friday from 11 AM - 2 PM. To participate in virtual drop-in hours, use the Zoom link and instructions found at
  • Virtual career consultant appointments can be scheduled through Handshake or by calling 706-542-3375. Once scheduled, your Career Consultant will send you a virtual meeting invitation via Zoom.  Connect with Your Career Consultant

Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Certificate Programs

Department of Sociology

Involvement Network

Additional UGA Career Center Recommendations

Find alumni on LinkedIn who have graduated from UGA with their Sociology degree. See what they are currently doing and how they got there! To find UGA alumni, search for UGA's LinkedIn profile and select Alumni from the menu in the left margin.

Tip: Join LinkedIn groups that are related to your career interest. Review the groups that professionals in your field of interest have joined and consider joining them as well.

Researching Careers: Regardless of the career that you desire to pursue, talking with professionals in that field is essential and can help validate your decisions. Use the Informational Interview guidelines in the UGA Career Guide to learn more about how to connect with individuals in your areas of interest.

Graduate School: If you are interested in going to graduate school, check out these Getting Into Graduate School resources on the UGA Career Center’s website. For additional graduate school help, meet with your Career Consultant at the UGA Career Center.

Study Away

The Forage online job simulations

Sociology Job Market Forum 

Additional Career Research Resources

  • O*NET Online – The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, and interests associated with over 900 occupations.  
  • My Next Move – An interactive tool for students and job seekers to learn more about their career options.  
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook – The OOH is a career resource offering information on the hundreds of occupations that provide most of jobs in the United States.  
  • Vault – provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work in an industry, company, or profession – and how to position yourself to land that job.  
  • Candid Career – This resource provides you with access to thousands of informational video interviews with real professionals through an easy-to-use website.  
  • UGA Mentor Program – Connect with a mentor (alumni, faculty, staff) to research and explore industries and careers. Research industries and careers by connecting with a mentor for a quick chat or formal 16-week mentorship through the UGA Mentor Program.  
  • Interstride - Interstride is an interactive tool for both international and domestic students to enhance their international experience and employment potential. The platform consists of job-listings, hiring trends, employer information, self-assessments, and up-to-date immigration guidance. 
  • Glassdoor - Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community that offers an inside look at jobs and companies through "employee generated content" – anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees and job seekers.  
  • Steppingblocks - Research your future career with real-world stats about your major, your interests, and your dream job title with career and education searches designed to find your best path based on millions of others. It’s data-powered career exploration for doers like you.

Employment Websites


  • Handshake (scroll down to the bottom of the page; login with your UGA MyID and password)  
  • LinkedIn (this popular networking site also has a job board!) 
  • Idealist (non-profit jobs) 
  • USAJobs (federal jobs) 

Professional Associations/Resources

Employers/Position Titles Reported by Class of 2024 Sociology Majors

The information below represents employers and position titles from the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.

Employer Position Title(s)
AT&T Client Solutions Executive
Augusta University Research Assistant
CADY Office and HR Administrator
Center for Global Sustainability Faculty Research Assistant
Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD Client Advocate & Paralegal
Clayton Homes Home Consultant
Cole Law Group, P.C. Paralegal
District Attorney's Office Clerk
Efstration Law Firm Legal Assistant
Enterprise Management Trainee
expandiTV Director of Sales and Marketing
Four Spaces New Development Marketing Manager
Hall Booth Smith, P.C. Legal Assistant
Kobre & Kim Litigation Assistant
ProCare Therapy Account Executive
Self-employed Entrepreneur
University of Virginia Sustainability Outreach and Engagement Coordinator
* denotes no responses received.

*Source: Areas above marked with an Asterisk (*) have been created utilizing data taken from the UGA Career Outcomes Survey. The "Employers Hiring...," "Job Titles of...," "Career Outcomes for...," and "Graduate/Professional Schools and Programs..." information listed above represent UGA Class of 2024 Graduates. The lists are not exhaustive and therefore do not represent all potential career options. Click here for more detailed Career Outcomes information regarding this major.

Graduate/Professional Schools Attended by Class of 2024 Sociology Majors

The information below represents graduate/professional schools and programs reported through the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes Survey. To view historical Career Outcomes for this major, click here and select "Historical Data" from the navigation menu.

Graduate School Program(s)
Boston University Criminal Justice, MS
Charleston School of Law Law, JD
Georgia Southern University School Psychology, EdS
Kennesaw State University Program Not Specified, Bachelor’s
Mercer University Law, JD
Southeastern University Ministerial Leadership, Master’s
St. John's University Law, JD
The University of Chicago Social Sciences, MA
University of Georgia Public Administration, MPA
University of Georgia Public Administration, MPA
University of Georgia Public Administration, MPA
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Law, JD
University of Georgia Public Administration, MPA
University of Georgia Political Science, Bachelor’s
University of Georgia International Policy, MIP
University of Pennsylvania Interdisplinary Studies Human Development, Degree Not Specified
University of West Georgia Program Not Specified, Bachelor’s
* denotes no responses received.